evennia-wiki installation

Using the evennia-wiki is easy once an Evennia game has been configured. To enter the following commands, activate your virtual environment (the one you created for your Evennia game.

Installing from Pypi

evennia-wiki is hosted on Pypi. You can easily install it with pip:

pip install evennia-wiki

Initial setup

Setting file

Open your setting file, server/conf/settings.py. That’s your public settings which will by read by anyone if your code is pushed to a public repository. You probably don’t mind, since the following settings are not sensitive.

Before importing the secret_sdettings.py file, add a section (it might be just below your SERVERNAME = ... directive:


In other words, you just need to add "evennia_wiki" to your installed apps, since the Evennia wiki has its own models which will need migration.


Then open your default URLs in web/urls.py. In the custom_patterns list, add a new entry to point to the wiki app. The list should look something like this:

custom_patterns = [
    # url(r'/desired/url/', view, name='example'),
    url(r'^wiki/', include('evennia_wiki.urls')),

This will add the /wiki/ URL (and sub-pages) to your game website.


Then run the migrations. evennia-wiki adds its own models and Evennia needs to know about them:

python manage.py migrate

Test your new wiki

Start your Evennia game. Connect to http://localhost:4001/wiki/ as a superuser. You’ll be prompted to edit the root page. This is a wiki page that’s required by the wiki, sort of your parent of all other pages.

Where to now?