# evennia-wiki pages

Writing content in Evennia wiki is easy to do.

Create a page

When you first open the wiki in your website (probably at http://localhost:4001/wiki/ ), you will see the root page or will be asked to edit it. Creating the root page is always the first step to setup the wiki.

Once on the root page, you can add more pages, direct child pages of your root page. Click on the “child pages” sub-menu. You’ll see the list of current child pages of the root page (this will be empty by default, as you haven’t created any page except the root page). There’s also a form to add a new child page. Specify the page’s sub-address (that is, the child path without any slash). For instance, to create a page with the address /rule, just enter rule in this text field. Then click on create.

You can repeat the same process for other pages. Notice, as you go deeper in the hierarchy, you’ll have a breadcrumb showing you each parent pages of your current page. /rule for instance has / (the root page) for parent.